Brentwood - How to break in leather shoes painlessly

How to break in leather shoes painlessly


We have all, at some point, had to experience the painful task of having to break in a pair of leather shoes. For some the experience is more painful than others and at times can involve blisters. For those who still have to undergo this task, here are some helpful tips on how to wear in those leather shoes with moderate ease.


We have all seen the helpful videos which involve popping your shoe into the microwave for a few minutes to get your shoe to loosen up and the infamous hack of throwing your shoe into the washing machine to get the same results. More times than not, these result in temporary outcomes with long term effects- like your shoe not lasting for as long as expected.


Let’s start with the basic. Blisters. These are caused by the friction between your foot and the shoe. To ensure that the friction is reduced, use as much lotion and petroleum jelly as possible on the sore spots to reduce friction. If you are willing to think outside the box then try spraying an anti-perspirant to lessen sweating.


Socks are also a good way of adding a protective layer between the shoe and your foot. If anything, the thicker the socks the better. These will offer your foot some relief and stretch the shoe’s material a bit.


Another way you can stretch your shoes is to use damp newspaper. To do this all you have to do is scrunch up a few sheets damp newspaper, and stuff it into your shoes. Stuff in as much newspaper as the shoe will fit, but be careful not to distort the shoe shape when using this method. If the shoe appears distorted or out of its original shape, simply remove the newspaper and re-stuff until the shoe shape looks right. Once the newspaper has dried overnight, remove it and try on the shoes and notice that there is more give.


The upside of a tough leather shoe is that it shows quality. Brentwood prides it’s in offering only the best quality in shoes. Take our Houston shoe for instance, it boasts of the crocodile slip on with paneling. To see our Houston shoe and more of our range of footwear, visit our website on