Brentwood - What does it take to be a Brentwood man?

What does it take to be a Brentwood man?


Many may say being a Brentwood man is all in the way you put together an outfit but this goes beyond that, being a Brentwood man is knowing how to put together the right amount of elegance to make heads turn. Importantly, being a Brentwood man is about being a brother.

Take the Brentwood 5 for instance, a brotherhood forged in style. These gents came from different walks of life but what brought them together is the love for the Brentwood brand. It is no secret that they also enjoy looking good but this is not what defines them. It is the fellowship and the brotherhood that has been formed since their very first meeting. It’s about how much they care for each other and regard each other as family.

In a recent interview with the Brentwood 5, one of the members ,Modumedi, goes as far as saying Brentwood is the sole reason for their meeting, “The brand itself is what brought us together." he says. It is this caring and camaraderie that makes one a Brentwood man. 

 If you are interested in joining the Brentwood Club, visit our website on and join the brotherhood.